Featuring ... Used accessories, parts and stuff for Casio Keyboards
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New parts are usually not available for those cherished, older vintage Casio Keyboards.
We're tryin' to help you keep 'em runnin' & playin' & makin' good sounds and music.
This is a part-time venture of both hobby and love.
If you don't find what you need here, check our sister site HERE for new Casio Keyboard Accessories
We are located in Costa Mesa, California and keep part-time hours during the day. Call 949-548-6784.
Table of Contents Old Printed Casio Keyboard Manuals |
CTK-720 Owners Manual Package Includes: printed manual, score songbook for song bank songs, driver disk CD-R, and Rockhouse brand DVD instructions. These items are new, $14.00 including media mail rate mailing within the USA. -----------------------LK-170 or LK-175 or LK-260 Owners manual package ------------------------ WK-210 Printed manual called the Users Guide. This used manual has 140 pages of content in both English and Spanish. Price is $11 and includes mailing within the USA. ------------------------ LK -135, LK-136 printed manual. Like new condition, includes content in English and Sapnish. Just $8 which inludes mailing within the USA. ------------------------ CTK -2500, CTK-2550 printed manual. New condition, bilingual English and Spanish. Just $8 which includes mailing to you within the USA. ------------------------CDP-S360 Users Guide Pamphlet. Qucick Start Guide is just $5 and that includes mailing to you here in the USA. ------------------------ We have many manuals for old Casio keyboards. Email us with your model so we can check our file cabinet. Prices are about $8.00 including mailing if available. Click here to see a list of our inventory of Casio Music Manuals as of March 14, 2020 |
Ready to be Parted Out Models |
Click here for a model list
Order any available part you want from these used Casio Keyboards including speaker replacements and grills, knobs, buttons, switches, sliders, digital readout displays, connection jacks, disk drive, circuit boards, keys, sharps and flats, white notes, contacts, pitch bend wheels, battery covers and more for Casio keyboard collectors, hobbyists and musicians. Contact us for part availability of what you need. CASIO CTK-6000 CASIO CTK-5000 (much the same as CTK-4000) CTK-451 CTK-491 CTK-495 CTK-496 CTK-500 CASIO CTK-593 (similar to CTK-591) CASIO CTK-501, CTK-511, CTK-518, CTK-519 These are the same CASIO CTK-520L CASIO CTK-555 is same as CASIO CTK- 560 L Magic Lights Keyboard CASIO CTK-601 much the same as the CTK-611 CASIO CTK-611 CASIO CTK-651 which is the same as Radio Shack MD-1210 CTK-620L CTK-533 Casio CTK-550 Casio CTK-551 Casio CTK-573 Casio CTK-700 CTK-710 Casio CTK-720 Keyboard (same as CTK-496, and CTK-710) Casio CTK-800 Keyboard CTK-2500 CASIO CTK-2080 or CTK-2100 are the same CASIO CTK-541 (same as CTK-551 and CTK-558) CTK-7000 CASIO CDP-100 Digital 88 key Piano-has many parts of the older Privia Model Pianos CASIO CDP 230 R CASIO PRIVIA PX-100 CASIO PRIVIA PX-110 CASIO PRIVIA PX-120 CASIO PRIVIA PX-130 CASIO CTK-401, CTK-411, CTK-431 These instruments are the same CASIO CT-S195 CASIO CT-636 CASIO CT-638 CASIO CT-360 keyboard CASIO CT-625 Keyboard CASIO CT-670 CASIO CT-700 CASIO WK-210 CASIO WK-220 CASIO WK-225 CASIO WK-500 CASIO WK-110 very similar to WK-200, CASIO WK-1500 CASIO WK-1600 CASIO WK-1800 CASIO WK-3000 very much the same as WK-3100, WK-3200, & WK-3500 WK-3300 WK7500 CASIO WK-1200, WK-1250, WK-1300, WK-1350 models are basically the same and use the same parts. CASIO WK-3200, WK-3700 or WK-3800Keyboard-email or phone to let us know what you need CASIO WK-3500 CASIO LK-30 is same as LK-33 Lighted keyboard CASIO LK-73 CASIO LK-92TV same as LK-94TV and LK-300 TV keyboard CASIO LK-100 and LK-110 which are the same magic lights series LK-135 CASIO LK-160 Lighted keyboard CASIO LK-170 CASIO LK 175 CASIO LK-260 CASIO LK-40 Magic Lights Keyboard- this is the same as the LK-42, LK-43, LK-44, & Lk-45 CASIO WK-1630 (equivalent to Radio Shack MD-1700 model Keyboard) Parts work on WK-1800 Casio SA- 20 Casio SA-65 small keyboard. CASIO SA-76 small keyboard CASIO MT-205 small keyboard CASIO CT-S195 CPS-300
AC Adapters, Receptacles, Cords |
[![]() USED CASIO ADAPTER model AD-E95100LU. This is the 9 1/2 volt adapter for use with many of the newer casio instruments, not the older vintage models which have a differt size connection on the end of its cable. JUST $14 and mailng anywhere in the USA is included in this price. Little use, like new condition. GENERIC ADAPTER REPLACEMENT FOR OLDER CASIOS NEEDING THE 9 VOLT ADAPTERS. The new Casio adapters currently available have a connection size on its plug that does not fit on a huge number of old Casio keyboards, this one solves that problem. Just $14 and this includes mailing within the USA. No tax required if this mails outside the State of California. Call to order with a credit card during the day in California to 949-548-6784. Used CASIO BRAND 9 volt AC ADAPTER. This is model AD-5 MU. This arrived here with a LK-100 Casio model and it fits and powers the older Casio Keyboards with its connection size and power output. Just $14 which includes the mailing cost anywhere in the USA. Used CASIO ADAPTER MODEL 12 Volt AD-A2150 for newer models of Casio keyboards requiring this type. XLNT condition and this originated with a Casio CTK-6000. Works also with newer Casio instruments such as the WK-6500. Just $23 which includes mailing within the USA. ---------------- RECEPTACLE JACKS to install inside the keyboard. We have the new replacement receptacle jacks that fit inside nearly all Casio keyboard instruments. These jacks are the ones that the power supply adapter plugs into on the back of the keyboard and has a center pin. It is very common that the center pin inside this jack gets broken and the electrical connection to the keyboard is interrupted, thus the instrument plays intermitantly or not at all. These jacks are NOT real easy to replace and we recommend a person like an electronic technician change these out. They require unsoldering and resoldering of the new part on three contact areas. This new part is $8 each and First Class Mailing for this package is $2 It The total is $10. ----------------CASIO SB-60/62 Data Transfer Cable-This cable is used to transfer data from Casio personal organizers and graphic calculators equipped with that ability. $9 includes mailing. ---------------- It is not uncommon that
your kitten, puppy, vacuum cleaner chews up your adapter cable. Rather than purchase a new adapter, replace the cable. Soldering is recommended. This has the old style connection jack - See the enlargeable photo above. Just $4.00 plus postage. |
Keycovers |
3 sizes of new keycovers are available. Click here to purchase on main website. Keycovers ship for just $2.00 within the U.S.A. |
Video Cassettes (VHS Tapes) |
VHS Video Manual for Casio CTK-500 & CTK-510 Casio Keyboards- This watch and learn manual, created by Talking Owners Manuals, explains and demonstrates how to use all the features on these two very similar models. New condition, never been opened or played and also includes KeyStrips. KeyStrips are cardboard guides to fit on the backside of the keys to show you all the note names and where they correspond in printed music. Just $5.50 and add $4.50 for First Class Airmailing anywhere in USA. VHS Video Manual for CTK-501, CTK-511, CTK-518, or CTK-519- This watch and learn video will explain and teach you about using all the features on these four very similar Casio Keyboards. These midsized Casio models were some of the most popular ever produced by Casio. The knowledge you will acquire after a couple of viewings will be very helpful to understand the logic and how the "button pushing" is effectively used to create fun sounds, combinations of tones and rhythms, and good music. Like new condition. Price includes First Class Mailing in the USA, total is $10.00
CLOSEOUT. VHS video tape, a Casio product titled PLAY ELECTRONIC KEYBOARD TODAY. It is brand new in original sealed packaging. This 49 minute video, featuring Keyboard Guru Ed Alstrom, is an excellent introduction to playing a Casio keyboard and using the keyboards functions. Half price sale... now just $7.47 plus the cost of mailing. Call to order. ------------------------ CLOSEOUT. DVD titled LEARNING ROCK 'N ROLL PIANO taught by BOB HOBAN, a Nashville legend recording keyboard man. 95 minute length and is our last one. It is brand new in original sealed packaging. It is 50% off its original price. Now only $14.97. Call to order or check availability. |
Circuit Boards |
We have used circuit boards from the models we are parting out. Please email your request with the part number showing on the circuit board you wish to replace-be sure to include your keyboard model. |
Parts for Stands |
Ribbed black rubber end caps with one open end and Ribbed black rubber sleeves with two open ends to fit over 1 inch diameter metal keyboard stands. These used parts are $1 each plus mailing cost. They are lightweight but must mail with the Post Ofice as a package and the minimum for mailing a package is $3.00. Please verify with us what you need before ordering.
END CAPS for 1 inch diamter metal keyboard stands. These are spiral shaped with a round end and tap in with a lightweight hammer to give a finished look to the metal tubing on a stand missing these parts. These are for the stand's tiers directly under the keyboard, NOT for the floor. A set of four of these is $3 and pack and mailing in the USA is $3.25. Total for a set of 4 is $6.25 in the USA. We have a few other stand parts here for metal stands of square tubing and round used in keyboard stands. Email us with a description of what you need. |
Music Holders |
![]() We stock Casio Music Holders (also called music rests) for the portable keyboard models that are manufactured in three types. One type is the metal music rest which plugs into two support holes on the top of more than 100 different 49 and 61 note size keyboard models built over the years and have a spread of 17 inches where they insert to the support holes allowing you to prop up a book or music sheet against its metal frame. The next style of Casio Music Holders are made of plastic and vary in their width ranging from 18 5/8 inches to 20 inches wide. At one time there were 10 sizes of these however some are now permanently discontinued by their Asian manufacturers. We currently stock 7 sizes of these plastic models which are new, not used. The plastic Casio music holders, sometimes called note stands, insert into a groove or slot on the top of certain Casio Keyboards. Some of the slots on varied models have 3 indentations inside the slot and that would require the 18 5/8 inch size with protruding legs to slip into the groove. A few piano models require the plug in base of the holder to be about 17 inches wide, while many models on other Casios insert into the groove that can be up to 20 inches wide. The third type of music rest is a combination of both metal and plastic. They are the most expensive and are generally desinged for 88 note Casio Pianos. This ype of music holder has "pegs" on the bottom which plug into support holes on the instrument. When plugged into the support holes the music rest tilts some, just right so the music book does no fall forward and the angle is correct for ease of reading the music.
Casio Wirerack, 17″ Spread Music Rest. Click here to order a new one. New Metal Frame Music Rest for Casio Keyboards- This inserts into two support holes found on over a hundred different keyboard models from the old vintage ones to the newest. The spread where it "plugs in" on a Casio keyboard is 17 inches wide and then you can prop up a music book or sheet music to rest against this metal frame. Use a tape measure to check your instrument's support holes to be sure these are spaced 17 inches apart. It looks sort of like a wide letter M and is a shiny silver color, made of galvanized steel. It is 8 inches tall (1 1/4 inch taller than Casios Wire Rack model) to support a larger and heavier music book. Made in the US it is just $22 plus $2 for First Class mailing within the USA. Mailing International shipments cost more and International orders can not be placed on our website. Contact us for mailing costs to your country Call to order using a credit card or click the How to Order section on this website for other purchasing payment choices. Call during the day within California business hours to 949-548-6784. Photos are shown on our main website in the NEW accessories section with this link:www.Keyboardstoday.com
17″ Wide Steel Music Rest for Many Casio Medium Size Keyboards. Click here to order. Casio Brand WIRE MUSIC RACK- fits into two holes spaced 17 inches apart on over 100 Casio Keyboard models. It is black powder coated metal and looks sort of like a wide upside down letter "U". The Casio Wire Rack is 6 3/4 inches tall. We can mail this anywhere in the USA and the total price is $35.00 plus $2 mailing. This item is new, not a used product. Call us to order if you wish to purchase with a credit card. We sometimes have used Casio Wire Racks priced $10 less. Used Black Casio 18 5/8 inch wide plastic Music Holder. Very good condition. Fits many WK models. $35.00 includes mailing of this item within the USA. Call to confirm availability of this used item.. 18 5/8 inch wide Casio Music Holders with three legs fits a large variety of models, some in the CTK series, some WK series and LK Series. $44 and the price includes mailing cost within the the USA. 19 3/8 inch wide fits a large number WK models, Most Casio Privia Models, and CDP piano models. A used one is $36.00 . Includes mailing cost within the USA for a used one if available. WE STOCK 7 SIZES of NEW CASIO MUSIC HOLDRS made of plastic including one that fits the CDP series 88 note Casio Pianos and Privia Pianos with a slot. Link to our main site to see photos of these. Some of the models are discontinued that were made for older Privia models are no longer available but substitutions that will fit are usually in stock. Visit our main website to see photos of these and order online. Click on the Music holders category. www.KeyboardsToday.com Here are the current prices for the imported black plastic Music Holders. We have a $2 mailing special for these when mailed within the USA. International mailing costs are quoted upon request. Privia Models requiring a 17 1/2 inch base $51. These are for models Casio PX-400, PX-410, PX-475, PX-555 and PX-575 and have been modified to fit.
-------------CTS-100 CTS-200 BK CTS-200 RD LK S 250 $28.99.00.Click here to order
---------------- Fits some of Casios newest models. This is 18 5/8" wide. Note the spacing of the bottom tabs which are different then our 18 5/8" wide music holder. You can order these online with a credit card or Paypal on; www.Keyboardstoday.com which is our main site. Find this in the MUSIC HOLDERS category. Occasionally we take in used Casio music holders. Please check for availability if interested and provide us your model number to assure proper fit.
Large WK-1500 Plastic Music Holder (Used-Like New) - $21.00 + shipping. It weighs approximately 2 lbs. and only fits the WK 1500 Casio model. |
Battery Covers |
Used Battery cover, grey color, 3 1/2 inch by 2 3/8 inch size which originated on a LK-100 model keyboard. Price is $5 and mailing of this lightweight package is $5.50 within the USA. WK-1630 Battery Cover, measures 8 3/8 inches by 3 1/4 inches. Has 4 alignment tabs on one of the long sides and two snap in holder tabs on the opposite side. Also fits Radio Shack MD-1700 keyboard model. Price of this used item is $7 and First Class mailing within the USA is $5.50. The total is $12.50 to purchase for this size Casio Battery Cover. WK-200/ 210/ 220 BATTERY Door- measures 8 5/8 inches by 3 1/4 inches. $7 plus USA mailing of $5.50, total is $12.50. WK-110 Battery Cover-measures 8 5/8 inches by 3 1/4. Price is $7 plus $5.50. for First Class mail in the USA. Total is $12.50. CTK-593 USED Battery Cover This battery door is 15 5/8 inches wide by 1 5/8 inches. Has six alignment tabs on one side and two snap in closure tabs on the opposite side. Price is $9 plus add $6 for First Class Mailing within the USA. Total is $15. WK-3000/WK-3500 Battery Cover- Measures 8 3/8 by 3 1/4 inches. Perfect shape. $7 plus $5.50 to mail to you. $12.50 total CTK-651 Battery cover also is the same size for Radio Shack MD-1210- This covers the six size D batteries on these models. Price is $7 and add $5.50 for mailing within the USA. Tax required if mailed in California. SA-65 Battery Cover. measures 9 3/8 inches wide by about 7/8 inch. This used part is $3 plus $4.00 to mail the small package in the USA. MEASURE YOUR INSTRUMENT'S BATTERY COMPARTMENT SIZE. MANY OF THESE ARE INTERCHANGEABLE. Battery Covers for other Casio models are available from the "ready to be parted out" models listed. Often one of the listed covers will fit different Casio models which is why we provide the dimensions. Email to let us know what you need. |
LCD Displays |
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Audio Cables & Various Connectors |
15 Foot Mono Keyboard Connecting Cable with 1/4 inch right angle connector on one end and on the opposite a 1/4 inch male plug. This Hosa brand cable has never been used. Price is $8 and mailing within the USA is $4.00 making the total $12. Call to order with a credit card.
MIDI to Gameport or Sound Card Cable, 10 feet long. On one end of the cable are two standard MIDI connectors, and on the opposite end of this cable is the 15 pin Sound Card connector as commonly used with older computers. Price is just $1.00 and mailing for this nearly half pound package is $4.00 for First Class Mail. Have about six of this item and they are new.
30 Foot long STEREO KEYBOARD RECORDING Audio Cable- Ideal for connecting a Casio Keyboard from its headphone output to the auxilliary input jacks on a COMPONENT STEREO, HOME THEATER SYSTEM, MIXING BOARD, OR PA SYSTEM. The 30 foot length comes in real handy so you do not need to be right next to your connected equipment. Cable has a stereo Male 1/4 inch jack on one end and two male standard RCA mono connections on the opposite end. Price is just $2.00 each and mailing is $8 for the first one, slightly more for additional cables within the USA. Have lots of these cables, they are new, not used. 1/8 inch Stereo Male to 1/8 inch Stereo Male 10 foot audio cable with separate enlargement adapter. When the adapter is connected it makes one end a 1/4 inch stereo male to plug into an Amp, PA or recording board. This type of cable is used often with older Casio keyboards where the only output connection is the Female 1/8 inch headphone jack. This item is new but selling at a used price. The cable and enlargement adapter combo are just $5 and mailing by First Class is $4, total $9.00. Have about six of these. AUDIO CONNECTORS: These little buggers really come in handy when you need one! Do not spend time in studios any more so its time for these to go to someone who can use them. Heres a list. #1... 1/4 inch Female to a Male RCA-mono connector . 50 cents plus mailing. Have six of these. #2... Extend Adapter: Mono 1/4 inch Female to 1/4 inch Female, allows connection of one cord to another with 1/4 inch Male jacks, $1.00 plus mailing #3...Extend adapters...Mono RCA female to RCA Female-allows RCA cables to be connected together to increase lenth. 50 cents each plus mailing. #4...Mono Adapter-RCA Female to 1/4 inch Male just 50 cents plus mailing. Have 3 of these. #5...Stereo Adapter-1/8th inch Female to 1/4 inch Male 75 cents plus mailing. #6...Mono Adapter-1/8th inch Female to 1/4 inch Male, 50 cents plus mailing Mailing charges will be available when you make a selection of the ones you want. Let us know. MIDI ADAPTER-This 2 inch long adapter allows a standard MIDI Cable to be connected to another standard MIDI cable. So if you have a MIDI cable which is not long enough, simply connect two cables together with this adapter. Example...two MIDI cables, a three footer and a 6 footer would get you a 9 foot long cable when they are connected together. Is your MIDI cable too short to reach your desired plug in place? This handy adapter is just $2 and $4 for First Class Mail within the USA. Have two of these in new condition. |
Replacement Keysets, Hammers, & Hammer Caps |
![]() Replacement keys are usually part of a set for most Casios newer than 25 years. As an example, CEGB notes are attached as a white set, DFA notes are attached as a set, and black keys usually are a set of 10 black notes on the lower part of the keyboard. Sometimes (depending on the keyboards number of black and white keys) very upper right black keys might have only 5 attached notes. Used parts are not returnable for trade or credit. Used keyset costs, assuming we have size keys you need. CEGB = $6 DFA = $5 Top right DFAC white note keysets = $6 Bottom left or upper right side (usually 5 whites) =$5 on 76 key instruments like the WK series 10 note Black keyset = $6 Smaller black note keyset = $5 Our (search for and) labor here to remove keys from OUR instrument is $9 Careful pack and mailing WITHIN the USA is a minimum of $6.00 A single white keyset when mailed is a 5 ounce package. ......................................................... Used hammers (if available) are $1 each plus removal labor and mailing cost. Please contact us with your model of piano and engraved part number on the hammers you need. We might need a detailed photo of the hammers you wish to replace. |
The small black rubber caps which fit over the metal hammers often disintegrate with extensive playing of a particular key, or from weather conditions or plain old age. There are two sizes and types of these caps for Casio 88 note digital pianos. One cap size is designated with the letter B (For black notes). and the other is labelled W for hammers for white keys. These caps are easily removeable from the hammers by gently holding the cap with a pliers and plulling it off the hammer. Reverse the process to install them. The used hammers are only $1 each with the cap on each with a minimum purchase of five of for $5. Our labor charge to remove the hammers from our insturments is a one time $8 charge then we would add the cost of mailing these to you. The hammers weigh just a little over 1 ounce each.
NEW HAMMER CAPS are availble to purchase in groups of 5 for $15 plus mailing as a kit of three \White note caps and 2 Black ones.
Bulk purchse of NEW Hammer caps (22 or more) for a more extensive repair cost $2.25 each plus postage for mailing. Call us to order during California daytime hours.
USED HAMMER CAPS are removed from our acquired 88-note pianos. Purchase these for just $1.00 each with a minimum of 10 per order.
The caps have two versions: one for black notes and the other for white notes. Specify the quantity of each when you call to order. They are very light-weight and inexpensive to mail. Call us during the day in California. (949)-548-6784
Rubber Key Contact Strips |
We have lots of them!!! They come in different styles, for single contacts, dual rows for newer models, three rows for the latest models. and are in a variety of colors. UNFORTUNATELY THEY ARE DIFFICULT TO DESCRIBE AND YOU MAY NEED TO REMOVE YOURS FROM YOUR USED CASIO KEYBOARD AND MAIL IT TO US SO WE CAN EXAMINE AND COMPARE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH THE RIGHT ONES TO FIT. THEY ARE DIFFERENT FOR NEARLY ALL SERIES OF CASIO KEYBOARDS. The cost for these used contact strips. is $2 each for any size, our search for and labor of $8 to remove them from our keyboard then mailing of a lightweight package (this cannot be mailed as a letter) within the USA is $3.50. |
Songbooks, Music & Instruction Books |
EZ PLAY Song Book Closeout - 50% Off + Media Mail Shipping
Available EZPlay SongBooks (Call to order and verify Availability): 51 Songs of World War II - $14.95 now $7.48 Best of Barry Manilow $12.99 now just $6.50 CASIO WK-3500 Accessory Floppy disk, WK3500FD-1. This is the disk that came packed inside a new WK-3500 keyboard for its disk drive. The disk has the following: 10 new rhythms 15 Variation tones and two Demo tunes which are standard Midi files. The price is $7 which includes mailing within the USA. Call to order during the day (California hours) to 949-548-6784 Casio Songbook (used) from the CTK-2080 model, 136 pages. Good condition. Just $5 plus $3 book rate mailing within the USA. CASIO SONGBOOK FROM LK-175 used, $5 plus mailing cost. CASIO SONGBOOK from CTK-531 and CTK-541. This used 96 page songbook originally came in the box with these models and has notation for most of the songs in the songbank. Price is $5 and media mail rate mailing in the US is $3.00 The total is $8.00. Casio Songbook with two handed printed music of songbank songs found on the CTK-2080 model. Used, $3 plus mailing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CLOSEOUT: NEW BOOK AMAZING PHRASING - 50% OFF original price, now just $8.48 plus mailing cost. This book shows 50 ways to improve your improvisational skills with 71 pages of tips to understand tasteful phrasing of melodies. Also includes a compact disc with music related to the tips and lessons included with play along examples for you to practice with. New POCKET MUSIC DICTIONARY. Over 2200 music terms defined concisely. Ultra handy for quick teaching of musical language. this reference book is new and is just $2 with any other music book purchased. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , Keystrips Every beginner needs to learn the names of the keys and how to read notes. Learn quickly with our large print, easy-to-see KeyStrips. Like a musical yardstick, they fit in the “groove” at the back of your black and white keys. They are easier than keyboard stickers and cover the entire range of keyboard notes. KeyStrips are printed on heavy card stock and are over 32″ long! KeyStrips are made for 49, 61, 73, 76 note CASIOs with full-sized keys. $5.99 including mailing. Also available: -88 note size note reading guides for Casio digital pianos. Shows all notes and where these keys correspond in printed music. $5.99 including mailing.
Headphones, Speakers, and Speaker Grills |
![]() No used headphones available at this time. DO YOUR HEADPHONES HAVE THE WRONG SIZE CONNECTION PLUG? Stereo headphones plug connections generally come in two sizes for consumer electronic products like stereo equipment and Casio Keyboards. The larger size connections are called 1/4 inch and the smaller ones are 1/8 inch. We have Enlargers. They are for stereo headphones and will work with non stereo phones too. These are brand new. Enlarger Headphone Adapters have the 1/8 inch size female connection with a male 1/4 inch connection plug. These are more common on the larger model Casio Keyboards. The price of these are $6.50 and mail free by First Class AirMail in the USA.
New Headphone Jack replacement part. This 1/4 inch female replacement jack solders onto a circuit board inside hundreds of Casio keyboard models and allows headphones to be plugged in for private playing. These are new, not used. It's price is $6 and mailing anywhere within the USA is $3 making the total $9. New 1/8" Headphone jack replacement part. This part solders on to a circuit board on all the Casio keyboard models with the 1/8 inch size receptacle. This part has 9 solder on leg connections. Total. cost is $8 which includes mailing of this lightweight package within the USA. It cannot mail as a letter and must mail as a package.
Used speakers from parted-out models are priced from $2.00-$7.00 each plus pack and mailing costs.
Grill covers cost $4.00-$8.00 plus pack and mailing charge. |
Free Stuff (Talking Owners Manuals Cassettes) |
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Cases |
Closeouts |